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Re: Does anyone plan of buying the SWTF Darthvader 4 changer

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:15 am
by Dominic
To be fair, Yoda was above Neeson in rank and very well could have given Obi-Wan further training between Episodes 1 and 2. Yoda was only Luke's master for like a half hour before he went off to get his hand hacked off, but you could still say he was Luke's master (at some point).

Yoda had a class full of kids in Episode 2. One might argue this implies that he was everybody's master at some point.
(Obviously Leia and Luke weren't intended to be siblings when she made out with him.) Darth Vader was not always Luke's father, y'know.
I am calling bull-shit on both points. Vader being Luke's father makes too much narrative sense not to have been the plan from the point Episode 4 was released. The incest kiss in Episode 5 is all the more horrifying because the writers clearly knew that Luke and Leia were siblings. (Note the connection that the film imlies between them at the end.) *shudder*

When you show the Star Wars films to your children (Let's assume we're all going to have children at some point, even if some of us have no plans to), how do you introduce them? Do you show them the prequels first, or the original trilogy?
Best viewing order:
1 and 4: Parallel narratives and structure.
2 and 5: See above. This also sets up Luke to fail.
6 and 3: Most of the spoilery stuff is taken care of. I would run 6 first just to get it out of the way, and end with the superior Episode 3. (I would also make a point of not being around when the kids were watching 6, assuming I was unfortunate enough to have kids in the first place.)
Going by some action figure releases, I think it's implied (or outright stated, I've only seen RotS a few times) that Anakin becomes "Darth Vader" long before he puts on the suit--I think before he even murders those children.
Vader is given his Darth title right after the Chancellor throws Windu through the window, maybe an hour or two before storming the temple.
This! I mean, at the point Luke asks what Leia remembers of her mother, he's fishing for information about her himself--because he knows they're twins, right? And she's doesn't yet? I think? I need to rewatch these movies
The wookipedia quote would make sense. After all, no matter how much you love the kid you are raising, the circumstances that the Organa family took Leia under would weigh on anybody. (Of course, "right after being born" would qualify as "very young".)

-not a fan of the "Clone Wars" series, but is fine without evil twins of everybody kung-fu farting around.

Re: Does anyone plan of buying the SWTF Darthvader 4 changer

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:07 pm
by Shockwave
Sorry, Lucas does not get a pass on Leia. Luke asks her specifically: What do you remember of your mother? Your real mother? He specifically asks about her biological mother, not friggin Jimmy Smits' wife.

Re: Does anyone plan of buying the SWTF Darthvader 4 changer

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:27 am
by Onslaught Six
Heheheh. Jimmy Smits.